


Student Development and Social Justice: Critical learning, radical healing and community engagement. Palgrave McMillian, 2017.




Edited volumes

Editor, The Pitzer College 50th Anniversary Engaged Faculty Collection: Community Engagement and Activist Scholarship. Claremont, CA: Pitzer College, 2014.



“Critical Learning, Radical Healing, and Community Engagement in Prison.” Diversity & Democracy, Association of American Colleges and Universities. Vol. 21, No. 1, Winter, 2018.

“Reviving and Revising the Civic Mission: A Radical Re-Imagining of ‘Civic Engagement.’” Metropolitan Universities: An International Forum. Vol. 25, No. 3, Spring, 2015

“Partnering With Youth Organizers to Prevent Violence: An Analysis of Relationships, Power and Change,” Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, Johns Hopkins University Press. Vol. 4, No. 3. Fall 2010. With T. Dolan and S. Hanft.

“Engaged scholarship: reflections and research on the pedagogy of social change,” Teaching in Higher Education: Special Edition, Vol. 14, No. 5. Fall, 2009.

“Humanizing the Other in ‘Us and Them.’” Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice, Vol. 18, No. 4. Fall, 2006.

Book chapters


“Healing Pedagogy from the Inside Out: The Paradox of Liberatory Education in Prison” in Ginsburg, R., Ed. Critical Perspectives on Teaching in Prison. Routledge Press. With Jerrad Allen and Oswaldo Armas.

“Framing Pitzer’s Practices of Critical Engagement” in Peterson, T., Ed., The Pitzer College 50th Anniversary Engaged Faculty Collection:  Community Engagement and Activist Scholarship. p. 8-18. Claremont, CA: Pitzer College, 2014.

Afterword. Howard L. Bingham’s Black Panthers, 1968. Los Angeles: Ammo Books, 2009.